1.8.18 SUPERIOR VISION PAYMENT ISSUES: Some of our clinics recently received duplicate payments from Superior that were previously issued in September. When we called Superior we were told that their new payment system did not successfully issue the original EFT payments, which is why they are now being reissued with interest. However, we are also finding that some of our offices that get paper checks have received duplicate payments as well, so it appears Superior is reissuing ALL payments from that time frame. Some offices who get paper checks are truly receiving double payments that will have to be recouped. If you are an OBS clinic, please call your coordinator if you have questions!
1.2.18 2018 MEDICARE REMINDERS: The Medicare Part B annual deductible will be $183 in 2018, the same as last year. As you start to see Medicare patients in 2018, you can check how much of their deductible has been met on most Medicare websites or IVR. Clearinghouses like Trizetto also offer this service, and you can often sign up to get this information on Availity. Secondary Medigap B, C, and F policies usually pick up the Medicare’s deductible, but collect the noncovered refraction! Also, remember to always check seniors’ insurance cards at the beginning of the year since they may have changed to a Medicare Advantage plan. And finally, remember that Medicare patients will get new cards and ID numbers beginning in April. It will be critical for your staff to scan the new cards and update the new numbers in your software!