Spectera is currently issuing new contracts which require all clinics to use an Essilor lab for glasses, including Vision Source providers who have always had the autonomy to choose their own lab. If you are a Spectera provider, this means you will no longer have the option to operate as your own lab UNLESS you live in a state that has passed legislation allowing optometrists and patients the freedom of choice in lab selection. Doctors who practice in a “Lab of Choice” state (such as Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, New Jersey, Oregon, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia) cannot be forced to use a designated lab IF THEY DO NOT SIGN THE NEW LAB CONTRACT and negotiate a new agreement. So if you live in one of the above states, please do not sign the new Spectera contract until you talk to Branda. If you are a Vision Source provider, you also need to talk to Branda. Even if your practice is in a state without legislative protection and you’re forced to use a designated lab, there are still things that need to change in the way your opticians operate and how we bill for you. And finally, if you are uncertain what the new Spectera contract means for your practice or you just have questions, please feel free to call 877-727-3695. Ask our receptionist Misty to schedule an appointment time so you and Branda can discuss your options.