I heard about Optometric Billing Solutions from a colleague who used their services and was very satisfied. I was impressed at how much Branda knew about insurance, and I have relied on her advice to help improve my practice. She helped us analyze our fee schedule. She also helped us move into billing more claims to medical carriers, and she introduced us to coordinating medical claims to routine insurances. Without doing anything additional I’ve seen my bottom line rise significantly by doing nothing more than billing smarter. The OBS staff is also very competent. Their billers know how to bill claims that used to be problems for us, like comanages, DMERC, and Medicaid. We are grateful to have OBS as part of our team.
–D.H., Ohio
Need more information? Call us toll free at 877.727.3695, or email us at tarina@OBSteam.com. We’ll be happy to discuss our services and see if we would be a good fit for your practice.